Growth Groups are PORTICO's primary expression of growing together in Christlikeness. It's where we connect with a smaller community, develop relationships and GROW in our faith.

Growth Groups are currently meeting online either weekly or biweekly.

If you are interested in joining, hosting, or leading a Growth Group at PORTICO, please complete the form below to let us know your interests and availability...

Click here for the Growth Group Directory

If you are interested in becoming a Growth Group LEADER...

Please email Pastor Arnold to discuss the expectations and training required for growth group leaders.

Email Pastor Arnold

Please complete the form if you're interested in starting a new Growth Group:

Click here to view the current and past study guides


Growth Group are essential to what we do here at PORTICO because it gets people involved in everyday life with one another. Its also a great way to talk about how the Bible impacts our everyday life. Growth groups create a support system when things seem difficult, when you want to celebrate with friends and most importantly it help us learn how to be Jesus to one another. - Colin M.

I’m in a group for at least 5 years, to me Growth Group were like family. They are very supportive. They allowed me to be vulnerable during those trials and storms in my life. These were the people and the words and lessons in the group helped me grow. In fact, they helped me grow over the years. To me, they become my life long friends. - Terry & Asha P.

I attend so that I get to interact and expound on topics such as Sunday sermons and get various perspectives not only my own. I can also share my own blessings and prayer requests or even ask for advice in certain areas I am struggling with and vice versa to other members as well. Finally, the fellowship and time together are vital for the encouragement and support of one another. - Ivy G.