Our Elder Board is a dedicated team responsible for ensuring that the mission and vision of the church stay on focus and aligned with God’s Word and the leading of His Spirit.

Meet our current Elder Board...

Each spring, we invite members of PORTICO to submit nominations for individuals to serve on the Board of Elders for the coming year.

An Eligible Nominee is someone who has:

  • Completed a membership application and membership Covenant.
  • Attended a membership class.
  • Received acceptance into membership.
  • Met the scriptural requirements for an elder as outlined in Bylaw #5.
Nominate an Elder
Become a Member

Please note: a potential nominee must consent to be nominated before you submit their name online.

The deadline for this year's Elder nominations is Sunday, June 4, 2023.

Have any questions?

Email: elders@porticocanada.ca

or call 905-826-9612